Qualitative vs Quantitative: A Method Of Investing

There is always a cold war between two investing approach. One is qualitative approach and other is quantitative approach. Many fund manager will argue or support any of these investing approach. You…

Top-down Approach vs Bottom-up Approach: What Should You Choose?

After you understand the basic working and function of share market, you will have other question. The question is 'How to select the company in Indian share market or other share market in the w…

What is Investment and Reason Why You Should Invest

If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die. One cannot work until death. This is the reason why you should invest in investment. Investment is a acquiring some…

How Does Indian Share Market Works: A Beginner's Guide

We don’t have to be smarter than the rest. We have to be more disciplined than the rest. Share market is for disciplined man which I believe.Patience is important in share market. Share market is h…
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